Thursday, 12 May 2011

Lets go walking!

Earlier today I was watching my regular dosage of YouTube. A video from Phil DeFranco featured another YouTuber called PDROP, this Tuber makes videos documenting his travels around the world. He got started with a simple walk from California to San Diego and recorded it. It’s interesting stuff so check him out.
This video from Phil got me thinking, what’s stopping any of us from stepping out our front door and walking somewhere?
Ware, where I plan to go!
I thought about this and looked for somewhere I could walk to; first one that came to mind is my favourite little Town, Ware. It’s about 10 miles away from me and is around a 15 to 30 min drive depending on who is driving and the traffic. According to Google Maps it’s a 3hr21min walk. I’m motivated, I want an adventure, I want exercise, and I want to do something outside of my comfort zone because I am at home too much with the same damn routine, I want to get out there! So this Monday I am doing it! I am off to Ware, I am taking this walk and doing something different!
At the moment I only have the route laid out by Google Maps but my Dad is going to look to see if there is a better more cross country route that I could take, either way I will still do it.

So what about you? The reader sitting there in front of your computer, or on your phone, or whatever means it is your using to read this, why don’t you do something different in your life? I bet there is something you have always liked to do but you keep holding yourself back, making excuses to yourself on why you won’t do the thing you want. Well wipe those reasons off the bored and don’t let it stop you, get up and go! Let’s try and make life more interesting for ourselves by taking a step outside our box.

So this is Matty.D saying do something different! And signing off.

PDROP YouTube Channel

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